Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Ginette fine Art random paintings out of over 2000 oil and watercolors painted over 20 years

Random Art Slideshow March 2021 from Ginette Callaway on Vimeo.

Hi my name is Ginette. In more than 20 years I have painted over 2000 paintings. At 2000 I stopped counting. I sold the majority to collectors and many are still available as prints. Here is my first video with a random selection of some of the paintings in no particular order. Contact me at if you want me to paint a custom, rare one of a kind original. In either watercolors and ink, or oil.
If you want to browse my print collections visit

Ginette Fine Art is on Rumble

My video content is on RUMBLE in the future. Go there subscribe and give me some rumbles!